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Home > Banco de Questões > UEA-SIS-1 2025: Inglês

UEA-SIS-1 2025: Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de 09 a 11.

Claude Monet was a French artist known for painting in the style called Impressionism. Monet was famous during his lifetime, and his paintings remain popular today. They are on display in art museums around the world.

Claude Monet was born on November 14, 1840, in Paris, France. He drew and painted as a young man. In the 1860s he became friends with other artists, including PierreAuguste Renoir. The group of artists became known as the Impressionists because of Monet’s painting called Impression: Sunrise.

Most of Monet’s subjects were from nature. Like other Impressionists, he was fascinated by the way light and shadows change during the day. He often painted the same scene again and again to show all the variations of light and shadow.

In the 1880s Monet settled in Giverny, outside of Paris. There he painted one of his most famous series of paintings, called Water Lilies. Monet died on December 5, 1926, in Giverny.


09. (UEA-SIS-1 2025) The main purpose of the text is to

  1. highlight the friendship between Monet and Renoir.
  2. entertain the readers with the history of modern French art.
  3. inform about a French impressionist painter and his works.
  4. explain the role of French art in the world today.
  5. convince people to visit art museums in Giverny

10. (UEA-SIS-1 2025) No trecho do primeiro parágrafo “Monet was famous during his lifetime, and his paintings remain popular today”, o termo sublinhado refere-se

  1. ao estilo de vida de Claude Monet.
  2. ao pintor impressionista.
  3. ao Impressionismo.
  4. aos museus de arte.
  5. à fama de Claude Monet.

11. (UEA-SIS-1 2025) No contexto em que se insere, o trecho sublinhado que introduz ideia de causa é:

  1. “Claude Monet was a French artist known for painting in the style called Impressionism” (1º parágrafo).
  2. “Monet was famous during his lifetime” (1º parágrafo).
  3. “He drew and painted as a young man” (2º parágrafo).
  4. “The group of artists became known as the Impressionists because of Monet’s painting called Impression: Sunrise” (2º parágrafo).
  5. “He often painted the same scene again and again to show all the variations of light and shadow” (3º parágrafo).

12. (UEA-SIS-1 2025) Leia a tirinha do cartunista Jim Davis.

No contexto da tirinha, o trecho do primeiro quadrinho “I’d love to stay in bed all day” equivale, em português, a:

  1. Eu adorei ficar na cama o dia todo.
  2. Eu adorarei ficar na cama o dia todo.
  3. Eu adoraria ficar na cama o dia todo.
  4. Eu adoro ficar na cama o dia todo.
  5. Eu adorava ficar na cama o dia todo.

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