Inglês na EEAR
Lista de 15 exercícios de Inglês com gabarito sobre o tema Inglês na EEAR com questões da Vestibulares Militares
01. (EEAR) Read the text and answer question.
- 25g butter
- 500g small onions, (about 5 in total), halved and finely sliced
- 2 eggs
- 284ml pot double cream
- 140g mature cheddar, coarsely grated
For the pastry
- 280g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
- 140g cold butter Adapted from - Accessed on 15/12/2015.
The text above is a recipe for:
- a salmon and watercress quiche.
- a sticky onion and cheddar quiche.
- a leek, mushroom and Gruyère quiche.
- a caramelized onion quiche with cheddar and bacon.
02. (EEAR) Read the cartoon and answer question.

Choose the correct alternative, according to the cartoon.
- The flying duck understood there was turbulence, because the winds were strong.
- The air traffic controller duck didn’t have time to warn about turbulence.
- The water in movement caused the wind turbulence.
- The water turbulence was caused by the alligator.
03. (EEAR) Read the cartoon and answer question.

Which words complete the lines in the cartoon?
- As – as
- At – as
- Like – as
- How – like
04. (EEAR) Read the cartoon and answer question.

In the first balloon, the verbs “watch” and “learn” are respectively in the
- imperative mood – imperative mood
- imperative mood – subjunctive mood
- subjunctive mood – imperative mood
- subjunctive mood – imperative mood
05. (EEAR) Read the cartoon and choose the correct alternative:

- The air traffic controller duck understood that the duck pilot was requesting a day of May.
- The pilot duck was shouting “mayday” because he wanted to relax.
- The air traffic controller duck was frantic due to the affliction of the pilot.
- The pilot duck was landing due to bad weather.
06. (EEAR) Read the text and answer question.
Behind a Shopping Center in New Jersey, Signs of a Mass Extinction
Behind a Lowe’s home improvement store here, scientists
are methodically scraping and sifting through ___ quarry pit
that may contain unique insights to the mass extinction that
eliminated _____ dinosaurs.
[5] Back then, about 66 million years ago, _____ oceans
were higher, and this part of southern New Jersey was a
shallow sea, 10 to 15 miles offshore from ____ ancient
mountain range that rose from the water. Today’s quarry pit
was once the sea bottom, and one particular layer about 40
[10] feet beneath the surface contains a bounty of fossils.
Kenneth J. Lacovara, a professor of paleontology and
geology at nearby Rowan University, calls the layer ___
“mass death assemblage.” He believes it may be ____ only
known collection of animal remains that dates from the mass
[15] extinction itself.
Taken from - Accessed on 06/01/2016.
Complete the text with the right articles. Then choose the correct alternative.
- a – the – the – a – an – the
- a – the – the – an – a – the
- an – the – the – an – a – an
- a – the – the – the – an – an
Texto para questões 7 a 9
Read the text and answer question. Heathrow expansion should face strict environmental conditions, say MPs.
[1] Final government approval for the expansion of Heathrow
should be withheld until Europe’s busiest airport can
demonstrate that it accepts and will comply with key
environmental conditions, a parliamentary committee has
MPs on the environmental audit committee have been
[5] hearing evidence on the likely carbon emissions, air quality
and noise levels after the government-appointed Airports
Commission recommended a third runway at Heathrow as
the preferred plan for London airport expansion.
(Adapted from www.theguardian/ environment. Acessed on 01/12/2015)
07. (EEAR) Write true (T) or false (F), according to the text:
( ) The expansion of Heathrow airport ought to be blocked until the busiest airport complies with key environmental conditions.
( ) The expansion of Heathrow should begin once Europe’s busiest airport may accept other conditions for weather.
( ) Europe’s busiest airport can accept this change under two conditions: better air quality and lower noise levels.
( ) Heathrow airport can choose the best alternative for environmental conditions.
- T – T – F – F
- F – F – T – F
- T – F – F – F
- F – F – T – T
08. (EEAR) Choose the synonym in the context for the underlined word in the title, and its correct part of speech.
- easygoing – adverb
- tough – adjective
- fear – adjective
- severely – adverb
09. (EEAR) Heathrow airport already has _____________.
- 1 runway
- 2 runways
- 3 runways
- 30 runways
10. (EEAR) Read the text and answer question.
The Last Dalai Lama?
[1] On a wet Sunday in June at the Glastonbury Festival,
more than 100,000 people spontaneously burst into a
rendition of ‘‘Happy Birthday.’’ Onstage, Tenzin Gyatso, the
14th Dalai Lama, blew out the solitary candle on a large
[5] birthday cake while clasping the hand of Patti Smith, who
stood beside him. The world’s most famous monk then poked
a thick finger at Smith’s silvery mane. ‘‘Musicians,’’ he said,
‘‘white hair.’’ But ‘‘the voice and physical action,’’ he added
in his booming baritone, ‘‘forceful.’’ As Smith giggled, he
[10] went on: ‘‘So, that gives me encouragement. Myself, now 80
years old, but I should be like you — more active!’’
Taken from Acessed on 14/12/15.
According to the text, it is correct to affirm that
- More than 100,000 people has bursted into a rendition of Happy Birthday.
- More than 100,000 people have bursted into a rendition of Happy Birthday.
- More than 100,000 people have burst into a rendition of Happy Birthday.
- More than 100,000 people has burst into a rendition of Happy Birthday.